Why the Gluten Free Diet Won't Stop Your Diarrhea and Fatigue from Celiac Disease - And What Will

I am about to share with you how I stopped by diarrhea and chronic fatigue from my Celiac Disease in 7 days... and if you think that a gluten free diet had something to do with it than this is going to be the most important article you have ever read.  If you want to remain a victim of Celiac Disease than stop reading because I am going to explain exactly why a gluten free diet doesn't always stop the diarrhea and chronic fatigue from Celiac Disease and isn't really the "cure".

When I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2007 I couldn't have been happier... I finally had a reason to explain the horrible diarrhea and fatigue that was controlling my life, and it had a cure!  I was ecstatic that all I had to do was stop eating gluten... but if you are reading this right now you probably ran into the same wall I did.  I obsessively lived a gluten free diet for almost 2 years and I couldn't stop the embarrassing diarrhea and chronic fatigue and was paranoid that I was getting "glutened" somehow.

\"free Diet\"

An excellent holistic Dr. that I saw taught me about what was really going on and told me to start the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD Diet) and it only took 7 days on the diet before my diarrhea finally stopped.  That was almost two years ago and I feel better than I have ever felt in my entire life!  If you listen to what I am going to tell you about the SCD Diet and start it properly, you too can stop your diarrhea and regain the energy to jump out of bed every morning in only 30 days.  If you don't listen and ignore the four steps I share with you below, you're going to keep trying to figure out where you're getting gluten contamination and never stop being controlled by the symptoms of this disease. 

Why the Gluten Free Diet Won't Stop Your Diarrhea and Fatigue from Celiac Disease - And What Will

A gluten free diet is not the "cure" for Celiac Disease... not even a little bit.  When Celiac disease is diagnosed the body has usually reached an extremely inflamed state, especially in the gut.  When the gut is inflamed it causes the immune system to defend itself by going after the tiny digestive fingers in the small intestine called the microvilli... by destroying them.  It turns out they are critically important and our body needs them to effectively break down complex foods like starches, grains, and sugars (foods like potatoes, corn, rice, milk, table sugar, soy, milk, etc.)... not just gluten.  Without those microvilli, the body can't properly break down complex foods into the simple forms it needs them to be in to get any benefit.

As the microvilli slowly deteriorate and stop breaking down foods into their simple form, the intestinal track stops being able to absorb the nutrients they were supposed to turn into.  When the body doesn't get nutrients from food it becomes malnourished... causing fatigue and making it really hard to get out bed in the morning!  What about all that undigested food?  The small intestine ships it to the ileum (the end of the small intestine) and the large intestines where bad species of bacteria devour it like a feast.  These bad guys are not supposed to get fed like this and while they do, they grow and multiply into a proverbial army, taking up space in the small intestine where they are not supposed to live.  The body remains inflamed and the bad guys are taking control of the gut, giving you severe diarrhea and poor absorption (malabsorption). 

The body is left in a state that it cannot digest anything complex, which is a whole lot more than just gluten.  With no means to break down foods, no nutrients are being absorbed, and the bad guys are growing stronger while giving you chronic diarrhea.  The only way to change this pattern that causes diarrhea and chronic fatigue is first: starve out the bad bacteria by only eating foods in their simple form so that the body doesn't need to break it down and second: replace the much needed nutrients and regain your energy by only eating things that the body can easily absorb.

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet does both of those very effectively by eliminating complex carbohydrates (sugars, starches, and grains) and giving the body simple foods to replenish the nutrients and cool inflammation.  Elaine Gottschall wrote a book called, "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" where she detailed this process in exact science and also describes the SCD Diet and how to follow it.  The bottom line is this: the only way to stop diarrhea and chronic fatigue from Celiac Disease is to properly start the SCD Diet and try it for 30 days.

I am going to outline the exact four step process that I used to properly start the SCD Diet and stop my diarrhea and chronic fatigue in 30 days:

Step 1: I chose a day to prepare the SCD Diet intro diet foods to get ready to start the diet (pick a day like a Saturday... weekends make it easy).

Step 2: I spent that Saturday making the SCD Intro diet chicken soup, pureed carrots, beef patties, and chicken so that all the foods are ready to properly start the 3 day intro diet.

Step 3: I strictly followed the SCD intro diet for 3 days and only ate intro diet foods.

Step 4: I properly transitioned out of the intro diet to the regular SCD Diet and follow it with strict adherence for the rest of my 30 day trial.

If you follow these 4 steps I used to properly start the SCD Diet and try it for 30 days, you will stop the diarrhea and chronic fatigue from Celiac Disease that a gluten free diet can't.  It only took me 7 days and my symptoms were gone... and I have been on the diet for almost two years now. 

Here's what you can do right now to make sure that you properly start the SCD diet:

Download our free guide "How to Properly Start the SCD Intro Diet in 24 Hours": Free SCD Diet Guide.

Once you have downloaded it, print it out and follow it step-by-step to properly start the SCD Diet and finally get a handle on your Celiac Disease like I did.  If you download the free guide today and get started on the SCD Diet, you can stop your diarrhea and regain your energy in 30 days.  Take the necessary steps to stop the symptoms of Celiac Disease that a gluten free diet can't.   

Why the Gluten Free Diet Won't Stop Your Diarrhea and Fatigue from Celiac Disease - And What Will

Jordan Reasoner
Celiac Disease - Diagnosed 2007
Been 100% SCD Diet Legal Since 2009

Yeast Free Diet - What to Eat & What to Avoid on an Anti-Candida Yeast Free Diet

Do you know what to eat & what to avoid on an anti-candida yeast free diet? If not then today I'll give you a quick rundown of what it is you should be eating and what you should be avoiding. Best of all I'll also provide you with an explanation for how to permanently eliminate chronic candida & fungal infections so that you never have to suffer from them again!
Good Foods for the Yeast Free Diet
Vegetables - Everything except for starchy vegetables like potatoes are welcome, especially leafy green vegetables. Although commonly associated with vegetables, tomatoes are a fruit which is unwelcome on the diet as well.
Grains - Only whole grains such as quinoa, amaranth, millet & buckwheat are allowed in moderate amounts.  
Meat - Lean Organic Meat of Chicken or Turkey is good as is wild fish such as salmon.
Foods to Avoid on the Yeast Free Diet
Fruits - With the exception of lemons, limes, & grapefruit in moderation, all other fruits are to be avoided as the sugar content will continue to feed the yeast. 
Grains - Wheat & glutinous grains are to be avoided as are all refined grains. 
Meat - Avoid non-organic meat, especially red meat while on the diet if possible.
Dairy - Best avoided, most of those with chronic health problems improve when dairy is removed from the diet 100%. It also has many links to disease such as cancer due to hormones.
Processed foods & sugar must be 100% avoided! This also goes for alcohol, with the exception of tinctures and vinegar.
How to permanently eliminate a chronic yeast infection
The key here is to review the root causes, many times this can go back as far as before you were consciously able to even prevent them such as vaccinations which contain mercury and other toxic compounds which suppress immune function at a young age and can cause chronic illness.
In these cases the only real solution is to utilize the right types of cleanses & therapies which will purify the right organs to allow the body to recover itself. Interjecting into a persons health by using anti-fungals is great if they're natural, however they're still only a band-aid solution until the roots are effectively resolved.

\"free Diet\"

Yeast Free Diet - What to Eat & What to Avoid on an Anti-Candida Yeast Free Diet
Yeast Free Diet - What to Eat & What to Avoid on an Anti-Candida Yeast Free Diet

Want to know if YOU have Candida? Take our thorough FREE Candida Test and also Find out How to Cure Candida

Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With a Gluten Free Diet

Diabetics most definitely benefit from a gluten free diet. This type of diet is a way of life for people suffering from diabetes as well as other diseases such as celiac, autism and many other diseases.

Many people especially diabetics have severe gluten sensitivities. Many illnesses have been associated with gluten consumption and one out of every hundred has gluten intolerances. People that suffer from infections such as diabetics develop this type of sensitivity.

\"free Diet\"

Eating gluten free has helped people not only with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes but also diseases like celiac, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammation of the nervous system, peripheral neuropathies, anaemia, seizures and loss of balance.

Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With a Gluten Free Diet

What is a gluten free diet? Foods that contain gluten such as wheat, oats, rye, barley, pasta, cereal, beer and spelt should be avoided. Many processed foods also contain gluten. One can buy bread and pastas that are gluten free as well as many other products which can be obtained from most supermarkets and health outlets. All fresh fruits and vegetables are gluten free as well as potato, rice, soy, and buckwheat and bean flour.

Farmers that grow grain increase the amount of gluten in their products because grain having a higher protein content fetches a higher market price. However companies are aware of the fact that many people suffer from gluten intolerance are improving the taste of gluten free products. Those that suffer from gluten intolerances can also opt for integrative manual therapy which helps with physical pain and loss of function as in diabetics as well as change their diet to gluten free diet as it has been noted recently that there is a gluten sensitivity epidemic.

It has also been noted that those with gluten sensitivity have deficiencies in manganese, zinc and chlorophyll as well as smooth and skeletal muscle weakness which are linked to the large intestine and gluten. A gluten free diet will improve one's health all round and also ensures that more nutrients will reach areas that have already been damaged and will also help stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetics.

There have been positive results and diabetics have reported back that their symptoms were alleviated after a few weeks when they changed to a gluten free diet. However it is important to remember that a diabetic patient should first discuss any and all diet plan with their primary medical practitioner or dietician.

Controlling Type 2 Diabetes With a Gluten Free Diet

Author Lorrie Craven, is a Type 2 Diabetic who writes articles on diabetes news, products, and diets. Visit Diabetic Health Today to find more Diabetic Information and Great Cookbooks on Gluten-Free Eating.

Free Diet Pills and Weight Loss Product Samples

There are many free diet pills and weight loss product samples available online, but most people do not know where to look to find these freebies. This article will give you a brief overview to help you understand how these free diet pills work, and also the things that you need to know before ordering your samples.

Obesity is a growing problem in our world, the eating habits have changed and people are consuming more and more processed and high-fat foods. Because of the consumption of these kinds of foods, many people are facing the frustrating feeling of being unable to lose the extra weight they are carrying around.

\"free Diet\"

Luckily, there are newer products available on the market today that can help people like you and me to lose weight and reach a healthy size. The downside to these products is the cost, many of the diet pills are expensive and not affordable. Many people are unwilling to pay the money for a bottle of weight loss pills, especially if they are unsure if the pills will really help them in their weight loss efforts.

Free Diet Pills and Weight Loss Product Samples

So, diet pill manufacturers began offering free diet pills and weight loss product samples. The purpose of these freebies is to make the product available to consumers like you and me. The diet pill companies are sure of their product, and they know that once people see the results from taking these supplements that they will be willing to purchase weight loss pills in the future to help maintain the weight loss goals.

If you are planning on signing up to receive free diet pills, be sure that you choose a reliable company and you should always read the terms and conditions before signing up for the trial offer. Most companies will send a free bottle of pills to you (only requiring that you pay a small shipping and handling fee) and they will allow you to sample those supplements for a specific time frame, usually anywhere between a week to a month.

Once you have finished out your trial period, the company will send you regular shipments from time to time to be sure that you do not run out of the supplements. Most companies will allow you to cancel your auto-ship program at any point, whenever you have reached your weight loss goals.

Free Diet Pills and Weight Loss Product Samples

Don't miss out on the advantages of sampling free diet pills! Get rid of those extra pounds today by learning everything you need to know about diet pills at http://freetrialdietpills.net

Salt Water Flush - Bathe Your Insides

Interest in the Master Cleanse Diet has been soaring lately, and this interest has also popularized the Salt Water Flush, which is recommended to coincide with the Master Cleanse. However, the Salt Water Flush may also be performed on its own. For reasons you'll soon find out, it is the most effective colon and intestinal cleanser and it requires no expensive or invasive procedures.

The Salt Water Flush is an ancient Ayurveda intestinal and whole body cleanse. It purifies the digestive system from top to bottom and leeches impurities from the organs. The two aims of any cleanse are to mobilize the waste and then eliminate it. The Salt Water Flush is mainly eliminative, so it is safe to perform on its own to rid yourself of toxins, or in combination with other cleansing procedures. While laxatives and enemas only clean out the colon, which is a relatively small part of the digestive system, the Salt Water Flush cleans the entire digestive system. It also does not promote dependence as do expensive store-bought remedies. The Salt Water Flush is often used to treat colds, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and fever. Many people report increased energy and appetite after several mornings, along with fresher breath, better sleep, cleaner skin, and improved digestion.


After reading the long list of benefits you're probably wondering how to get started, so let's get into the details right now. Following the instructions we'll list some exercises that help speed up the transit time of the salt water, and then some important tips so you don't feel left "out at sea." The Salt Water Flush is performed by warming up one quart of water, only enough to make it lukewarm, not boiling. Add two teaspoons of sea salt (not table salt), and include juice from a lime or lemon to improve taste. Drink the entire amount in one sitting, do this at sunrise every day for seven days. Make sure to sip the drink rather than gulping it.

Salt Water Flush - Bathe Your Insides

Within 30-45 minutes of drinking the saline solution, you will feel the need to have a bowel movement. Depending on your diet, and how many times you have performed the flush, you may feel bloated and the elimination may not come within the specified time frame. Fortunately, there are some simple exercises to speed up the process. The first recommended exercise is the Kogasana or Crow pose. Simply squat down with your back propped against a wall while you sip water. Another exercise is to rub your stomach both clockwise and counter clockwise. Thirdly, you may try spreading your feet apart and spinning your body from left to right (this is a great stretch for the lower back and abdomen). Lastly, the traditional Cobra position is also great for stimulating the intestines.

You are almost set to begin your first Salt Water Flush, but don't begin before you read these tips:

  • The Salt Water Flush is useful before beginning a new naturopathic program, such as a new dietary or vitamin regimen. It allows you to start with a clean state and observe the unadulterated benefits of the new program.
  • Speak with a physician first if you have ulcers, appendicitis, tuberculosis, or cancer.
  • Celtic Sea Salt is reported to make the taste more tolerable.
  • Using a straw may help with the taste of the drink.
  • A flush will not work properly if performed too soon after your last meal. Wait at least eight hours.
  • Plan to be near the toilet for two hours after you drink the solution.
  • Headaches are a frequent detoxification symptom. They usually disappear by day four.

Now you're prepared to perform an ancient and trusted internal cleansing program which beautifully complements the Master Cleanse Diet, and which is equally effective on its own. Enjoy your journey towards radiant health!

Salt Water Flush - Bathe Your Insides

Matt Barlow has practiced natural medicine for years and distilled his knowledge into a free course. Learn about the Seven Steps to Radiant Health and brighten your future today. Click Here: http://devotedtohealth.com

Salt Water Colon Cleanse - Several Great Tips

A salt water colon cleanse is one of the easiest home remedies to clean out your colon. It is also called 'salt water flush'. This is because it completely cleans out, not just your colon, but also the stomach, small intestine as well as the large intestine. In short, it completely cleanses the digestive system. This master cleanse removes all the toxins, accumulated waste matter, feces, parasites and other harmful components in the digestive tract.

While there are various good laxatives medicines, mixes and enemas available in the market, which seem to do the job better, the salt water flush will clean out the entire system and at a fraction of the cost, using simple kitchen ingredients available on hand.


Procedure for Salt Water Flush

Salt Water Colon Cleanse - Several Great Tips

The procedure to do a master cleanse, using the salt water flush is quite simple. You need to ready yourself before you do this procedure by skipping a meal. Most people prefer to do this first thing in the morning, on weekends, when they do not have to leave the house or do anything important.

To prepare the mixture, you need one quart of lukewarm water. Add two or more tablespoons of un-iodized salt or sea salt to it and mix it thoroughly. Using table salt will not have the same effect, so avoid substituting it for the real deal. Drink up this formulation quickly and wait for a few minutes before giving your stomach and your colon a good rub. Some people advise crouching on your knees as it loosens and breaks accumulated waste matter from the lining of the digestive tract, making it easy to be flushed out. This formulation works like an oral enema. Within 30 minutes to two hours, you will feel the pressure build up in the colon and you might have to defecate several times. If you do not feel the bowel movement, you either need to add more salt to the formulation or drink more water to flush out the system. This cleanse will completely clean the system from top to bottom.

However, it is important to note that this colonic cleanse will clean out the good bacteria as well and thus, once the procedure is over, it is advised that you take probiotic supplement to replace the good bacteria.

Salt Water Colon Cleanse - Several Great Tips

To find out more about salt water colon cleanse methods please visit http://www.saltwatercoloncleanse.com where you will find more information about saltwater colon cleansing, colon cleansing diets and tips on colon cleansing.

The No Salt Diet - Why You Should Stop Eating Salt

Salt is toxic, irritating and potentially a deadly poison to our bodies. If you have ever gotten salt in an open wound, you will know first hand how destructive it can be. Eating even a low salt diet is damaging to our health.

Salt has been linked to many many different illnesses, including cancer, asthma, Alzheimer's, PMS, stroke, cardiovascular disease to name a few.

\"Salt Free Diet\"

If you want to be healthy, lose weight and feel fantastic you need to cut salt out of your life.

The No Salt Diet - Why You Should Stop Eating Salt

Salt is very dehydrating to our bodies. When excess salt enters our bloodstream, the body is forced to store it between cells until our kidneys can deal with it. While it is there it causes a burning effect on the tissue. The tissue cells protect itself by releasing water to dilute the salt. When cells lose water they lose elasticity and shrink. This causes an imbalance as a result of the low of potassium.

Having low potassium results in more salt penetrating the cell walls and when sodium levels rise, waters enters to dilute it. This causes the cell to become swollen and this continuous disruption to the cell's fluid balance in time calcifies and destroys the muscles, valves and arteries of the entire coronary system.

When you eat salty foods your body has to compensate to maintain homeostasis. If you eat salty foods regularly you most likely are now addicted, just like if you drink coffee or smoke and thus will most likely experience withdrawal symptoms upon eradicating out of your diet.

Salt also messes up your taste buds. Most people think that salt adds flavor to food but it doesn't. It just overpowers your sense of taste and deadens to them to other flavors other than salt. If you want to enjoy food and fresh food and really taste it - you need to cut out salt.

All throughout this article, when I talk about salt I am talking about table salt and even sea salt. What I am not talking about is salt found naturally in foods like celery. We do need some salt but it is the salt found naturally in fruits and vegetables that we need. If you eat plenty of these you will be getting enough salt.

Completely cut out table/sea salt if you want to be healthy and lose weight. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and greens and this will help you completely eradicate salty cravings and also help you enjoy the finer things in life - fresh whole ripe natural foods.

The No Salt Diet - Why You Should Stop Eating Salt

Kelly Aziz is an expert in the field of nutrition and addiction psychology. She is the author of the acclaimed Free to Eat [http://www.free-to-eat.com] Natural Weight Loss plan that helps you eat well and combat cravings for good. For more information please visit: http://www.Eating-Naturally.com

The Benefits of a Low Sodium Lifestyle

A low sodium, low salt diet shouldn't be a burden at all! Personally, I have kept to an "under 1000mg" a day diet with out giving up much but fast food (and who misses that anyway?)

When I was first told that my blood pressure was high ( 160/95) and labeled as having hypertension, I decided at that moment to do some serious research into what had created this "new-to-me" health concern. I wanted to find a permanent solution to lower the numbers to an acceptable, healthy range without taking medication.

\"Salt Free Diet\"

As I reflected on where I was in life at the moment, mid-life, not overweight, but not exercising regularly either, I began making small changes in my day-to-day lifestyle. I was not going to give in to hypertension.

The Benefits of a Low Sodium Lifestyle

First, I bought a nutritional handbook that lists most foods and their nutritional content. I decided to try and stay under 500mg of sodium daily. This took some work, but it paid off very well. I had lowered my count to 150/89 in two weeks. But my doctor still was concerned and wanted to see me begin medication, so I went back to the drawing table. And I put off the decision to going on medication for another 30 days.

I found that magnesium is an excellent combatant for excess sodium. I added figs, sunflower seeds and other magnesium rich foods to my daily intake. Yes, this was working, I was now at 140/85. And dropping. Dropping.

Now, when I added a daily aerobic routine of 30 minutes each day I was really making progress. Three months out and I was reading 135/79. Huge advances!

Did I mention that all this time I rarely ate out? When I did find myself in a restaurant, ordering was tricky, but not impossible. Nervous that salt would be added to anything prepared, I would order a salad, no cheese and oil and vinegar on the side. Boring, boring, boring.

I was feeling so good and healthy I began to slip a little, just a little. I ate out a little more often, still I didn't cook with salt at all, but I abandoned my daily "health breakfast" for pancakes and granola. (I was eating slow-cook oatmeal with figs and seeds topped with soymilk every morning, and loving this tasty creation) I actually forgot about my grand plan. Then, I had my bp read. I was climbing. And I knew that I needed to get back on track, and fast.

Having a culinary background, I cook most everything my family eats. This includes all breads, sauces, everything. And you know what I discovered? Food tastes BETTER with little or NO salt. You can actually TASTE the good food. I have posted many of our favorite recipes at Low Salt Recipes at Cooking-for-Compliments.com And daily updates are added with new and exciting recipes for successful low sodium cooking.
So, now, 10 months out and feeling great. I'm a steady 135/75 and holding! I adhere strictly to under 1000mg of sodium daily, and walk everyday for at least 45 minutes.

I eat well, get outside often and I am enjoying life. It was just a matter of thinking in a new direction, and taking action.

Certainly, you need to consult your doctor with any medical concerns you may have. This article is not meant to be taken as medical advice. Lowering your salt intake is a first step in treating hypertension, and I hope to provide you with delicious recipes to help you obtain your goals, too.

To your health!

Please consider this article for publication in your newsletter or on your website. Permission is granted to reprint for free with resource box and byline intact. Please send me a copy of your publication if you choose to include my article. Thank you.

The Benefits of a Low Sodium Lifestyle

Betty Ziegler is the writing host for Cooking-for-Compliments.com



Try a Salt Free Diet

We all know that as we pass through this life we eat all the wrong things and slowly pile on the pounds. The unfortunate thing is we never lose what we have accumulated. All the exercise in the world does not help. The only way to maintain a healthy body weight is to monitor what passes our lips. The simplest thing to do is to ensure we eat foods containing as little, or no, salt as possible.

Why eat less salt? Simply stated when we stop sprinkling salt on our food we no longer retain water or sodium in our blood vessels. If we then replace the sodium rich foods we normally eat and replace them with fresh fruit, the weight just drops off. It stays off too.

\"Salt Free Diet\"

The advice we are normally given is to be careful what we eat and count those calories whilst getting plenty of exercise. Unfortunately the majority of so-called slimming ready-meals are low in calories but are extremely high in sodium. As we pile on the pounds we retain the weight. Weight-control experts of many persuasions are correct in their assertion that a change in lifestyle is the best way to lose and keep off excess fat. Potassium rich fruits and vegetables will help to displace any build-up of sodium in our blood stream.

Try a Salt Free Diet

There is no scientific reproducible evidence to suggest that adhering to the manipulation of the slimming industry mantra of 2500 calories a day for men and 2000 calories a day for women has any basis in fact. The theory goes that reducing our calorie intake coupled with vigorous exercise will leave us sylph-like and healthy. If we can not control how and what we eat, we will of course move regularly from size 8 to size 16 and back again. This is how it goes anyway. It is not because of any weakness in the breaking of our confusing regimen. We are simply eating the wrong foods.

My own story is the same yo-yo tale that can be recounted by thousands. I lost 3 stone in 3 months by simply learning to read what was written on the label. A low, or preferably zero, sodium count, became the only acceptable addition to my diet. I also bought into the eat little but often suggestion. My day always starts with a low-fat yoghurt. There is a long list of acceptable and advisable foods that you can experiment with to create quite a varied menu.

I like many others have been a victim of retaining weight through excess salt abuse. I assume other reasons for sodium and water retention are medically related and would advice a visit to your doctor before radically altering your diet if under medical supervision.

Try a Salt Free Diet

Kevin Roache

Salt Free Seasonings Offer Help Living With a Low Sodium Diet

Salt free seasonings are the key to living with a low sodium diet. Low sodium diets do not have to be bland. You need good quality salt free seasonings. The seasonings need to be fresh with good aroma and you need a variety of them. You will be surprised how quickly you can become tired of the same flavors day in and day out, without salt.

For example you wouldn't put the same seasoning on fish that you would put on a steak. Fish is more delicate and would need a lighter seasoning whereas a steak would need a stronger seasoning blend to get enough flavor to keep it from being bland. This is not to say you couldn't use a grilling seasoning on both. As a rule though, you will find that by using different salt free seasonings for different foods, you will achieve more flavorful results.

\"Salt Free Diet\"

What's interesting is that when you cook with salt, you can pretty much use the same seasonings year in and year out on everything and you are perfectly happy. This is because you are really just getting the salt taste with very little flavor. This is what you like because this is what your taste buds are used to. Take the salt out and the food will be bland and boring as everything starts tasting the same.

Salt Free Seasonings Offer Help Living With a Low Sodium Diet

Learning to live on a low sodium diet or a salt free diet is about getting the salt and sodium out of your food and getting flavor in. Besides salt free seasonings, you will be adding more vegetables to your cooking, like onions, carrots, celery, bell peppers, chilies, etc. An assortment of vegetables along with your salt free seasonings will add a lot of flavor and don't forget to use fresh garlic and you can always add some fresh herbs and freshly ground black pepper.

You can also sprinkle your salt free seasonings on the food and let it sit for a while. This is a dry marinade, or rub them into the meat and this would be a dry rub. Traditionally a dry rub has salt and sugar, but this does not have to be the case. Using the dry rub technique, gives the seasonings time to get into the food and not just sit on the surface.

Add a water or a little oil, (oil works better), to the seasonings and you have a paste. You can apply the paste to make a thicker layer of seasoning to the meat.

You can also marinade your meats or vegetables. A marinade is really just using an acid like (wine, vinegar, or lemon juice), oil and seasoning. A marinade does not have to have salt in it, it just needs to be flavorful. A marinade helps break down the tissue, or fibers and lets the meat take in the flavors. A marinade also naturally tenderizes meats especially without salt. Salt can actually draw out moisture. Salting meat and dehydrating it is how jerky is made. This is also why many folks salt their eggplant, to draw out the moisture. You may actually notice a more tender meat or steak because you are not using salt.

Note: A marinade can be used for 10 to 30 minutes or for the best results, several hours or overnight. You need to watch the marinating time when adding acid, especially fresh lemon or lime juice to fish, because these will start to cook the fish. This is what is called ceviche.

By using really good salt free seasonings you'll find a low sodium diet can be heart healthy, delicious and be a low sodium diet you can live with.

Salt Free Seasonings Offer Help Living With a Low Sodium Diet

If you like this information and would like to know more, I am inviting you to sign up for our FREE Season It Newsletter when you visit Benson's Gourmet Seasonings at http://BensonsGourmetSeasonings.com In this newsletter there is helpful information teaching you how to get more flavor, especially into a low sodium diet. A low sodium diet is cooking differently. For most, it's like learning to cook all over again.

Click here to get more helpful information including low sodium cooking tips, salt free seasonings, and low sodium recipes. You'll learn how you can use salt free seasonings, fresh herbs, different spices, about certain foods and different cooking techniques to flavor your food without adding salt and sugar. You'll find out how to get more flavor than you ever thought possible.

Debbie Benson, owner of Benson's Gourmet Seasonings with over 30 years experience promoting salt free seasonings. Loving to cook and cooking salt free most of her life by choice, she has learned a lot of tips and tricks to create flavor without the salt and sugar that seems to be in everything these days.

Pregnancy Low Sodium Diet

During pregnancy, a low sodium diet may be required for some women who are holding extra water in their bodies. This condition is called pregnancy-induced hypertension, and can be very dangerous to the mother and the baby. In many cases, a low sodium diet is recommended to help relieve the condition. Sodium, or salt, as it is more commonly called, causes the body to retain water, which in turn increases blood pressure.

If you have been placed on a low sodium diet during your pregnancy, or if you just want to improve your health before or after pregnancy by following a low sodium diet, then read on for some indispensable clues to following your low sodium diet!

\"Salt Free Diet\"

The first step to compliance with a low sodium diet is to analyze what your usual diet contains. For at least 24 hours, write down everything that you drink and eat, as well as the sodium content of these foods. Ideally, you should be under the sodium limit that your doctor has given you. Under 1,200 mg of salt is considered to be a low sodium diet, in or out of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Low Sodium Diet

Chances are that you ate much more sodium that was recommended. In or out of pregnancy, most people do not naturally follow a low sodium diet. We tend to eat a variety of high sodium foods, some of which do not even taste salty! A good place to start for your pregnancy low sodium diet is to try not to eat fast food. Fast food is inherently salty; fast food may be some of the saltiest food on the planet!

Another huge source of sodium in the diet is from processed foods. Processed foods include most of the foods that come packaged in boxes, cans, or bags. Many people eat exclusively processed foods throughout the day; this does not help them to stay on their pregnancy low sodium diet.

To decrease your overall intake of sodium throughout the day, focus on eating fresh foods instead of packaged foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are fantastic, low sodium options that are good for you and your baby. If you fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables before you eat other foods, chances are that you will have much less room for all of the high sodium foods that you used to put on your plate.

The next simple step to follow your pregnancy low sodium diet is to avoid adding extra salt to foods. Try a sodium-free seasoning mix like Mrs. Dash, and pile on the flavor!

A few small changes can help you to have a healthy pregnancy! A low sodium diet will help you to lower your blood pressure to a healthy level.

Pregnancy Low Sodium Diet

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Pregnancy and Fertility and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Pregnancy [http://pregnancy.need-to-know.net/] web site. For more articles and resources on Pregnancy and Fertility related topics, early Pregnancy Symptoms, Infertility Treatments and much visit his site at:


Does Salt Cause High Blood Pressure?

Both sea salt and rock salt were well known to the ancient Greeks who noted that eating salty food affected basic body functions such as digestion and excretion (urine and stools). This led to salt being used medically. The healing methods of Hippocrates (460 BC) especially made frequent use of salt. Salt-based remedies were thought to have expectorant powers. A mixture of water and salt was employed as an emetic.

Drinking a mixture of two-thirds cow's milk and one-third salt-water, in the mornings, on an empty stomach was recommended as a cure for diseases of the spleen. A mixture of salt and honey was applied topically to clean bad ulcers and salt-water was used externally against skin diseases and freckles.

\"Salt Free Diet\"

Hippocrates also mentions inhalation of steam from salt-water. We know today that the anti-inflammatory effects of inhaled salt provide relief from respiratory symptoms.

Does Salt Cause High Blood Pressure?

Thus, 2000 years ago, Greek medicine had already discovered topical use of salt for skin lesions, drinking salty or mineralized waters for digestive troubles and inhaling salt for respiratory diseases!

The doctor and alchemist Paracelsus (1493-1541 A.D.) introduced an entirely new medical concept. He believed that external factors create disease and conceived a chemically oriented medical system which contrasted with the prevalent herbal medicine. Only salted food could be digested properly: 'The human being must have salt, he cannot be without salt. Where there is no salt, nothing will remain, but everything will tend to rot.'

He recommended salt water for the treatment of wounds and for use against intestinal worms. A hip-bath in salt water was a superb remedy for skin diseases and itching: 'This brine - he said - is better than all the health spas arising out of nature.' He described the diuretic effect of salt consumption and prescribed salt preparations of different strengths that were used for instance against constipation.

'In recent years there has been much publicity about the need to reduce salt consumption in societies where salt is added to many processed foods (Denton 1984, 584-7).

It has tended to be forgotten that some salt intake is absolutely necessary; that people need salt, sodium chloride, to survive: The chemical requirements of the human body demand that the salt concentration in the blood be kept constant. If the body does not get enough salt, a hormonal mechanism compensates by reducing the excretion of salt in the urine and sweat. But it cannot reduce this output to zero.

On a completely salt-free diet the body steadily loses small amounts of salt via the kidneys and sweat glands. It then attempts to adjust this by accelerating its secretion of water, so that the blood's salt concentration can be maintained at the vital level. The result is a gradual desiccation of the body and finally death.' Roy Moxham

An eight-year study of a New York City hypertensive population stratified for sodium intake levels found those on low-salt diets had more than four times as many heart attacks as those on normal-sodium diets -the exact opposite of what the 'salt hypothesis' would have predicted. (1995)

Dr. Jeffrey R. Cutler documented no health outcomes benefits of lower-sodium diets. Salt Institute

A past president of the American Heart Association, Dr. Suzanne Oparil of the University of Alabama-Birmingham, said her personal view is that the government may have been too quick to recommend that everyone cut back. 'Salt restriction as a solitary recommendation for the population for the prevention or the treatment of hypertension.

An abundance of the ingredients in unrefined real salt are as synonymous with life today as they were a billion years ago before single cells appeared here. Lack of them is synonymous with birth defects, organ failure, decay, diseases, premature aging and death at a young age.

The problem with salt is not the salt itself but the condition of the salt we eat - refined! Major producing companies dry their salt in huge kilns with temperatures reaching 1200 degrees F, changing he salt's chemical structure, which in turn adversely affects the human body.

The facts are that in the heating process of salt, the element sodium chloride goes off into the air as a gas. What remains is sodium hydroxate which is irritating to the system and does not satisfy the body's hunger and need for sodium chloride. Sodium and chloride are two of the 12 daily essential minerals.

In countries which do not alter their salt supply, heart disease and arthritis are so rare that many doctors have never seen a case. Their salt is dried from the ocean by the sun. Many people believe that salt is harmful to the human body.

The truth is we cannot live without sodium or chloride-salt. From salt the body makes sodium bicarbonate which is one of the essential compounds for alkalizing the food we eat. Also, from salt the body makes iron for producing the hemoglobin of the red blood cell.

Cl + O Mn + H Fe or

chloride + Oxygen = Manganese + Hydrogen = Iron.

There is not enough natural salt in our foods, so we must supplement our diet. When salt is withheld, weakness and sickness follow.

Try this experiment: Mix a spoonful of salt in a glass of water and let it stand overnight. If the salt collects on the bottom of the glass, it has been processed.

NATURAL SALT DISSOLVES! Salt that will not dissolve in water cannot dissolve in your body. Any foreign substance that collects in the body organs and tissues will eventually result in malfunctioning of essential body processes: heart disease, arthritis, hardening of the body tissues and arteries, calcium deposits in the joints, etc. Natural organic salt (saline) will not cause calcification in your body. Real sea salt can dissolve damaging calcium deposits in the body.

Science and medicine have tried to define the precise roles of salt in the healthy and diseased human organism. Blood, sweat, and tears all contain salt, and both the skin and the eyes are protected from metabolic acids from the effects of salt. When salt is added to a liquid, particles with opposite charges are formed: a positively charged sodium ion and a negatively charged chloride ion.

This is the basis of osmosis which regulates fluid pressure within living cells and protects the body against excessive water loss (as in diarrhea or on heavy sweating).

Sodium and chloride ions, as well as potassium ions, create a measurable difference in potential across cell membranes. This ensures that the fluid inside living cells remains separate from that outside. Thus, although the human body consists mainly of water, our 'inner ocean' does not flow away or evaporate. Sodium ions create a high pressure of liquid in the kidneys and thus regulate their metabolic function.

Water is extracted through the renal drainage system. The body thus loses a minimal amount of essential alkaline water. Out of 1500 liters of blood which pass daily through the kidneys, only about 1.5 liters of liquid leave the body as urine.

Salt is 'fuel' for nerves. Streams of positively and negatively charged ions send impulses to nerve fibers. A muscle cell will only contract if an impulse reaches it. Nerve impulses are partly propelled by co-ordinated changes in charged particles.

Fish from the ocean will die quickly if placed in a solution of refined salt and water. The sodium chloride, in its form as it comes from the refinery, is actually poisonous to them. Bottom line, is that yes it can be harmful to consume too much refined salt, but you cannot consume too much natural unrefined liquid real salt.

For more information on the healthful benefits of real mineral sea salt go to:

In conclusion the question, "does salt cause high blood pressure?" The answer is absolutely NOT! High blood pressure is caused by dietary and metabolic acids that are not being properly eliminated through urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration. The truth is, you do not get high blood pressure you do high blood pressure with your lifestyle and dietary choices. Sodium chloride is the key to reducing and normalizing blood pressure and maintaining healthy pulse rate below 70 beats a minute.

Does Salt Cause High Blood Pressure?

Dr. Robert O. Young - Research Scientist - Author - Avocado and Grapefruit Farmer

3 Top Tips for Getting Rid of Gout Pain and Crystals in Your Joints Naturally

If you're reading this you're probably suffering from gout, or at the very least have suffered from gout in the past. So I don't have to tell you just how excruciating the pain can be. You already know how important it is to find a way of getting rid of the pain as fast as possible.

But the key to that is to truly understand what causes your gout in the first place...

\"Salt Free Diet\"

When you are suffering a gout attack the extreme pain and inflammation are caused by needle-like crystals that have formed in your joint(s). These are crystals of urate that can form when you have high levels of uric acid in your bloodstream.

3 Top Tips for Getting Rid of Gout Pain and Crystals in Your Joints Naturally

And you can end up with high uric acid if your kidneys can't remove the excess uric acid that your body normally produces, or, your kidneys are fine, but your body is producing more uric acid than they can handle. In both these scenarios, the outcome is the same; excess uric acid in your body.

You will normally be prescribed drugs to reduce inflammation and relieve the pain. Unfortunately for many sufferers these drugs can have serious side effects, so that gout sufferers are increasingly turning to natural remedies for gout that they can use safely.

Here are 3 top tips for getting rid of gout pain and the crystals that cause them:-

1. Drink At Least 3 Litres of Water Per Day

Even you doctor, whilst they are prescribing drugs for gout pain, will tell you to drink plenty of water. And no wonder, because drinking lots of water keeps you better hydrated, which helps to fight against crystal formation. Water also helps your kidneys to process and flush uric acid from your body.

2. Eat 30 to 40 Cherries Every 4 Hours During a Gout Attack

Research has shown that eating plenty of cherries can reduce the symptoms of a gout attack, including the pain and inflammation. They have natural anti-inflammatory properties, and, they can also help to reduce the uric acid levels in your blood.

3. Use the Baking Soda Home Remedy for Gout

Baking soda has the ability to dissolve uric acid crystals, and, to help your kidneys excrete uric acid more easily. Mix 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in a large glass of water. Drink a glass before bed, one in the morning, and one every 2 to 4 hours during the day. Repeat until symptoms have gone. Note: Take no more than 4 teaspoons each day. Change to a salt-free diet while taking it. But don't take if you have hypertension.

These are my top 3 tips for getting rid of gout pain and crystals during an attack.

But you need also to prevent recurring attacks in the future, because these can cause kidney problems as well as permanently damaged joints. This needs a different approach as you need now to consider things like your lifestyle, diet, weight, etc.

3 Top Tips for Getting Rid of Gout Pain and Crystals in Your Joints Naturally

You can get all the information you need on natural gout prevention by going now to http://gout-relief-today.blogspot.com.